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"Internet to Heaven" - a christian service for Internet

ACTS 2000 is an acronym for the Adventist Commission Through Satellite by the year 2000. The book of Acts records the most powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the history of the Christian church. Through the miracle of the gift of tongues, language barriers were broken down. The gospel was communicated to the masses. Thousands were baptized in a day. The gift of tongues was real languages, the "communication vehicle" which the Holy Spirit used in the first century to spread the gospel. We are profoundly convinced that God is using global satellite television as a "communication vehicle" to proclaim the gospel in these closing days of earth's history. The unprecedented success of Net '95 and Net '96 powerfully demonstrates the unusual effectiveness of evangelism via satellite. ACTS 2000 is unique. It is an innovative, cutting-edge approach to satellite evangelism. It takes the church beyond what we have ever attempted before. It is an ambitious, faith-stretching, visionary step forward.

A Cooperative Venture ACTS 2000 is a joint project of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the world divisions, local unions/conferences, ASI, and It Is Written television. Tens of thousands of local congregations, pastors and lay people are combining their energies for this comprehensive all-out evangelistic thrust. Since It Is Written is currently televising its weekly program in 76 countries to millions, special emphasis will be given to those areas where It Is Written's global presence is already strong.

Let me share with you It Is Written's largest challenge. It's called "ACTS 2000." ACTS 2000 is the most ambitious evangelistic endeavor It Is Written has ever attempted! It will involve almost the entire planet. Teenie and I, along with some of our It Is Written staff, will conduct evangelistic meetings in 10 of the major cities of the world. Each of these meetings will be uplinked via satellite in hundreds of cities in the target area. Some of you have heard me present ACTS 2000 before. You may have attended one of It is Written's Partnerships or one of our convocations. Here is an update. In 1999 we will conduct five of our ACTS 2000 evangelistic meetings.


In January the Philippines to conduct an ACTS 2000 It Is Written evangelistic meeting from the Philippine Convention Center, seating 4600 people. Two sessions will be conducted nightly, accommodating nearly 10,000. Filipino lay people are conducting 1000 small groups to prepare for this series. The meetings will be uplinked via satellite to the Far East including the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan. The signal will be carried as far north as Siberia and as far south as Australia.
Philippines Convention Center


In February we will fly to Kumasi, Ghana. Our meetings will be conducted in the Kumasi Cultural Center. Estimates are that 10,000-15,000 people will attend. There will be 300-500 evangelistic meetings in Ghana alone before we arrive. The African brethren believe that throughout the continent of Africa, our meetings will be satellited to 300,000 - 500,000 people.


June the ACTS 2000 evangelistic meetings will be conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It Is Written is the #1 religious TV program in Brazil. Estimates are that in the last seven years, as the result of It Is Written, over 50,000 have been baptized in Brazil. These ACTS 2000 evangelistic meetings in Sao Paulo in June will be satellited to the entire Portuguese-speaking world.


In September our team will conduct evangelistic meetings in Bucharest, Romania. Of the 1000 Seventh-day Adventist churches in Romania, 500 of these are equipped with satellite dishes. The meetings will be conducted in the former Communist Party Auditorium in Bucharest, seating over 4000. They will be transmitted throughout Europe, as well as the former Soviet Union. What a miracle! To conduct meetings via satellite to all Europe, including all of Communist Europe from the Communist Congress Party Hall.
Communist Party Hall


In October our ACTS 2000 satellite meetings will be conducted in Santiago, Chile for the entire Spanish speaking world. Yes, that's right! To the entire Spanish-speaking world. It Is Written is the only evangelical Protestant television program in the entire nation of Chile, and we will be communicating to the entire world.

In 2000 and 2001, the ACTS 2000 series will continue in

  • Madras, India
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Seoul, Korea
  • Kingston, Jamaica and
  • Sydney or Brisbane, Australia

Revelation 18 is being fulfilled. The earth is being lightened with God's glory. Will you and your family join us in earnest prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during ACTS 2000? God sent His Spirit in the First Century, and we believe He will do it again. Will you especially lift up Teenie and me and our entire It Is Written staff in prayer? We will be traveling hundreds of thousands of miles to the far-reaching corners of the earth.

Thank you for what you are doing for the ministry of It Is Written. I praise God for your commitment and sacrifice. We would like to invite you to make a special commitment for It Is Written's television ministry of evangelism in ACTS 2000. Around the world men and women are making unusual commitments to God. Recently I heard this story from Africa:

Our mission leaders went out to a tribe of bushmen, and they explained how God's message was going around the world. How Jesus was soon going to come. How the message could go up by satellite and come down right in their village if they had the equipment. These bushmen never heard anything like this before. They wondered what kind of equipment they would need to hear the message of God from the sky. When our mission leaders returned to the mission station the next day, they were surprised when they heard a rumbling and a bellowing of cattle outside the mission headquarter's doors. The mission leaders went out and they saw over 100 cattle and three bushmen sent by the chief. These bushmen told our leaders, "We want to sell our cattle. We want the equipment that will let us hear the message of God from the sky." What sacrifice! What dedication! What commitment!

It Is Written is stretching its finances to the limit. We are tapping our meager reserves because we believe God is calling us to get the message out. You may desire this Christmas season to make a special commitment, a special donation to evangelism, to soulwinning, to It Is Written television. You may desire to commit $100 or $500 or $1000 or $5000 or $10,000 or a large gift of $100,000. The Spirit may touch your heart in an unusual way. Remember, friend, every penny you give will go into It Is Written's evangelistic ministry. At this Christmas season, Teenie and I invite you to join us to do something significant for God.

Thank you for being part of this dynamic ministry. Our whole purpose at It Is Written is to tell the story of Jesus and prepare people for His soon return.
In Christ's name,

Mark Finley
Speaker- Director

P.S: Share this video with your friends or local church.

December 6, 1998. HWS