“The Seven Thunders” book, by Curtis Shearer From druggie to prison ministries volunteer, Curtis spent his teenager and young adult years partying and strung out on drugs and alcohol. It wasn’t until he was faced with a potential prison sentence that Curtis stopped and thought about a higher Power when he heard thunder in the middle of the day with not a storm cloud around. After that experience, Curtis went on a spiritual quest to discover happiness and fulfillment, but strange ideas and … [Citeşte mai departe...]
MediaSeven si Intercer va ofera informatii despre evenimente si biserici care transmit live
MediaSeven.org si Intercer va pun la dispozitie un nou website dedicat evenimentelor live: mediaseven.intercer.net MediaSeven.org este un proiect web pregatit de Mihaita Cristian Constantin (Bucuresti). In timp ce Mihaita lucra la acest website cu evenimente live, la Intercer pregateam ceva similar, ca adaugire la pagina "Live" de la Intercer Tv. Am hotarat sa colaboram pentru realizarea acestui website la adresa mediaseven.intercer.net . Noul website contine articole, evenimente live, o … [Citeşte mai departe...]