Romanian-English Intercer Ministry Celebrates 15 Years of Activity! (via Intercer Adventist News) Intercer History In early June 2012 Intercer celebrated 15 years of activity! Intercer started as the first created Romanian Adventist website, and today Intercer has a network of biblical websites continuing to be the most popular Romanian Adventist website, with a monthly average of 60,000 unique… … [Citeşte mai departe...]
„The Seven Thunders” book, by Curtis Shearer
“The Seven Thunders” book, by Curtis Shearer From druggie to prison ministries volunteer, Curtis spent his teenager and young adult years partying and strung out on drugs and alcohol. It wasn’t until he was faced with a potential prison sentence that Curtis stopped and thought about a higher Power when he heard thunder in the middle of the day with not a storm cloud around. After that experience, Curtis went on a spiritual quest to discover happiness and fulfillment, but strange ideas and … [Citeşte mai departe...]
Interviu cu Presedintele Conferintei Generale a Adventistilor de Ziua a Saptea – Ted Wilson, in revista Ministry
Sursa: Ministry – International Journal for Pastors – January 2011 Traducere: Mihail Baciu – Springfield, MA Nikilaus Satelmajer (NS): Care sunt cateva aspecte pe care le aveti in minte pentru biserica in urmatorii cinci ani? Ted N.C. Wilson (TW): Mai intai speranta mea este ca in cinci ani vom fi in cer. Cu adevarat sper ca e posibil aceasta. Cred din toata inima ca lumea se indreapta cu grabire catre punctul final al evenimentului iminent al revenirii lui Isus. Pana atunci trebuie sa … [Citeşte mai departe...]