Romanian Bible on the Web / Biblia in limba romana pe web, ANN, August 4, 1998

Source: Adventist News Network, 4 Aug 1998,

Slobozia, Romania … [ANN] The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Slobozia, Romania announced the publishing of the Romanian version of the Bible on the World Wide Web this week, reports Lucian Mihailescu, youth elder in Slobozia. The site contains links to all Bible chapters and includes a verse look-up and a word search.

„We appreciate the initiative of Romanian Adventists to put a Romanian version of scripture on the web,” says Ekkehardt Mueller, associate director of the Biblical Research Institute at the Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. „Adventists have a high view of Scripture, and emphasize the principles of the Bible and the Bible alone as the rule of faith and practice. The Church is also committed to spreading the word of God worldwide. We hope that many will be blessed by this ministry and find the comfort that they are looking for.”

The Romanian Bible can be found at: or at the principal web page address: [Wendi Shull]

Biblia in limba romana pe Web

Slobozia, Romania…[ANN] Biserica Adventista de Ziua a Saptea din Slobozia, Romania, a anuntat publicarea versiunii in limba romana a Bibliei pe World Wide Web, anunta Lucian Mihailescu, prezbiter cu tineretul din Slobozia. Acest site contine legaturile cu toate capitolele Bibliei si include cautare dupa verset si dupa cuvant.

Apreciem initiativa Adventistilor romani de a pune versiunea romaneasca a Scripturii pe Web,” declara Ekkehardt Mueller, director asociat al Institutului de Cercetari Biblice al Bisericii Adventiste Mondiale din Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. „Adventistii au o intelegere inalta a Scripturii, si subliniaza principiile Bibliei si Biblia insasi ca un indreptar de credinta si viata. Biserica este de asemenea angajata sa raspandeasca cuvantul lui Dumnezeu in lumea intreaga. Speram ca multi oameni vor fi binecuvantati prin aceasta lucrare si isi vor gasi linistea pe care o cauta.”

Biblia in limba romana poate fi gasita la: sau la principala adresa web:[Wendi Shull]

[traducere Mariana Petre, Slobozia,

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