Locul de desfasurare: Toronto, Canada: SkyDome si Metro Convention Centre Data: 25 Iunie – 29 Iunie 2000 (Duminica – Joi) – Consiliul Mondial al Pastorilor 29 Iunie – 8 Iulie 2000 (Joi – Sambata) – Sesiunea Conferintei Generale Motto: ‘APROAPE ACASA’ Imnul: „Avem aceasta speranta” Participare estimata: Sambata se poate ajunge la circa 60,000 – 65,000 participanti. Acest website se afla …
Source: http://www.plusline.org/article.php?id=4614 by Lucian Mihailescu On February 20, 2004, Intercer Internet TV began streaming over the web. Their video programs contain sermons, biblical seminars, health programs, events, interviews, musical programs and broadcasts in both Romanian and English languages. Programming originates from different Romanian Seventh-day Adventist churches in the U.S. (Loma Linda, Chicago, Hot Springs), Austria (Viena), Israel (Ramat-Gan), Romania (Timisoara, …